Listed in topic: Configuration

Comment Links

This page is all about Comment Links on the index page of your site.

Comment Links are located on your index page with each of your posts. They link to your IntenseDebate comments section, and also indicate how many comments have been posted on the post.

Visit to customize your comment links text. Please note that there is a bit of a delay for your changes to show up after you’ve saved them.

IntenseDebate is two snippets of JavaScript: one for the actual comment section, and one for the comment links. While we automatically add in this code for in our WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, and Tumblr installs, you can access this code directly through our Generic installation. You can also access this code through your blog tools section at You can also access it by selecting the your blog from the “My Sites” tab in the top menu bar > select the “Reinstall” tab in the sidebar on the left.

Here’s what the Comment Links script looks like:

var idcomments_acct = ‘YOUR ACCT ID’;
var idcomments_post_id;
var idcomments_post_url;
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

In that code there are several values that are set which will tie the comment section to your account along with the correct comments on for your posts. The first is the var idcomments_acct. This is your IntenseDebate blog account number, which we assign when you create your account. This is automatically included in the code.

The next two are the var idcomments_post_id and var idcomments_post_url. These values are determined by your CMS, and are to be entered in by you. The post_id is the unique identifier that is assigned by your CMS for each post. You would enter the post_id in the code snippet and that will ensure that the comments are tied to the particular post. You can also set the post_url value as well to further ensure that everything works properly.

Please see our Blogger section on troubleshooting comment links.

Please see our Tumblr section on troubleshooting comment links.

Our plugin hooks into the function comments_popup_link. Please use that in your templates.

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Last modified: February 22, 2011 by Michael

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